GX は4 ポート単位で扱う



4 ポートずつなのね。収容設計の時に気をつけたい。


Cisco Nexus 9364C-GX ACI-Mode Switch Hardware Installation Guide

For ports 1 through 64, every 4 ports (1-4, 5-8, 9-12, and so on, referred to as a “quad”) operates at a fixed speed. That is, all 4 ports will operate in 10G, or 40G or 100G. This switch does not support mixed speeds in quad form.


Cisco Nexus 93600CD-GX ACI-Mode Switch Hardware Installation Guide

For ports 1 through 24, every 4 ports (1-4, 5-8, 9-12, and so on, referred to as a “quad”) must operate at the same speed. That is, all 4 ports will operate in 10, 40, or 100G. In breakout, all ports in the quad must have the same breakout map (2×50, 4×10, or 4x25G).

Ports 25-26 and ports 27-28 (port groups of 2 ports each) must operate at the same speed (10, 40, or 100G) or breakout map (2×50, 4×10, or 4x25G)

